Before. During. And After.
The online journal of the Hillside UMC/Wesley Chapel UMC Mission Team's trip to two small villages in the Agalta Valley.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

9 Days!

We leave in 9 days!!!
But this trip actually began many months ago.
Mission trips are months in the making.
Last November a grant was written and submitted to the
United Methodist Church Peace With Justice Grant board.
There were some conversations and emails, budget adjustments and then in February, right after Valentine's Day, we got a little "love note" at Wesley Chapel UMC.
We had been awarded a
$1, 000.00 grant to provide a library to the school in El Ocote.
Shortly before the grant was awarded, but long after it had been written and submitted, 
 we found out we would be working in two villages.
And now we have the opportunity to provide new books to children
in two small villages in the Agalta Valley.

This makes ordering children's books in Spanish twice the fun.
We know that the only books in El Ocote are the ones that we have brought the last two years. There were only a few and they are prized possessions.
So we took our grant money and started ordering!
There are Bibles and Bible Story favorites like Daniel and Noah,
 the story of Creation, and a songbook for each village school.
There are children's classics like Junie B. Jones, Harold and the Purple Crayon, and Are You My Mother?
Books are expensive and the cost of one small children's book equals about the monthly income of a Honduran family in the areas we are visiting.

We purchased six of these sturdy, foldable crates to hold the books
and all of the VBS and school supplies
we are taking and leaving with the teachers.
It is really an honor to get to administer this grant.
So now there will be a Biblioteca in each Escuala!

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