Before. During. And After.
The online journal of the Hillside UMC/Wesley Chapel UMC Mission Team's trip to two small villages in the Agalta Valley.

Monday, May 23, 2016

11 Days!

When you buy a lot of plastic tablecloths in all the colors
 you get to answer the question, 
"What are you doing with those?" 
a lot of times as you walk through the store.

The answer is that when your team is doing VBS in Honduras for a lot of children
 (about 85 in El Ocote and 125 in Jicalpa) 
and one of your stories will be Noah's Ark,
 then everybody gets to make an
"arco iris."

We will show you how soon :) 
"I have set my rainbow in the clouds,
and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth."
                                                        Genesis 9:13
                                                                                              Posted by Marcie

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